Finally Updating

Wow, my last post was on Oct. 24th. I’ve gotten so busy around that time, that I was only keeping up with my tumblr blog. I’m glad that I have decided to check on this blog. I was wondering how long we were potty training. I’ve heard stories that the journey was going to be long and hard, so I know this is only the beginning. We came a long way though, the only thing we’re working on is number 2, and when she wakes up from a nap. As soon as she wakes up, she automatically pees. Every time she looks like she’s getting tired, I quickly switch her from panties to pull ups just in case. She only did the number 2 in the toilet a few times. Now, she just does it in her panties or pull-ups =/ Other than that, she’s doing great. We were at the BX one day, and even though she had her pull-ups on, she still asked me to go to the bathroom twice. I was proud of her.

I start spring classes on the 23rd. I’m trying to enjoy all this free time before then. I know that once I start my classes, I probably won’t have as much time to just cuddle or play with my daughter. I love how we can just sleep in, stay in bed, watch some cartoons, cuddle, talk, laugh, and I don’t have to rush because I have home work to do.

Although I don’t update this blog as much, I don’t want to delete it all together. When coming upon the last post about potty training, I realized that having this blog is like a diary that I can look back to for memories.