Tried to Stay Positive

It’s no secret that I’m not entirely happy here. I know it’s not fair to compare everything to Okinawa, but I also can’t control how I feel. Anyway, my friend suggested I start blogging and vlogging my days to help pass the time and to de-stress. So here’s how my day went:

I was moody; my anger was short tempered at times, and my frustration with things was on and off. However, I still tried to think happy thoughts whenever I felt like I wanted to scream.

Worked out

Then did my wifey/mommy duties. Vacuumed and steam mopped the house, cooked lunch, cleaned the cat liter, cleaned the youngest’s room, and cooked dinner.

After dinner and our showers, I loaded the dish washer. We played a game, a tea party in Kawena’s room, played cards with Kai, and now I’m the only one up enjoying watching Friends.

Hubby offered to take me to check out a place where I can teach Tahitian dance tomorrow. I’m praying everything goes smoothly and this can be the thing that turns things around.

Gonna try upload some videos onto my new YouTube channel tomorrow.

Missing Okinawa

It’s been a little over a month since we have left Okinawa. I still feel like we’re on vacation (a rather boring one), and we’ll be going back to Okinawa later. Don’t get me wrong, I love our new house. It’s our first home, and I’m very proud of it. Outside of our home, though, this place is so much more boring than Okinawa is. Last weekend, which was a long weekend (Memorial Day weekend), it took me hours to find something fun for us to do. I know this feeling is mostly because I have lived in Okinawa for 7 years. I had a life, I had my everyday routines, and my friends who were my family. Okinawa became my home.

I opened up my bullet journal and flipped back to April. I saw all the activities I was busy doing before we left. I started to imagine myself driving my Japanese car and getting things done. I know it’s only been a month, but I already do miss the life I had in Okinawa. We have only one car for now, so I’m pretty much stuck in this house. However, when my husband is home, there really isn’t much to do here anyways, besides find a place to eat or spend money somewhere.

I miss the beach. It is blazing hot and I can’t go swim in a beach for free.

Well, a friend gave me a good idea. In order to pass the time, I’m going to blog about our days here. I also made a youtube channel with the same name as this so it’s easy to find. Heres to hopefully liking it here in Abilene.