I Love Being a Mommy, But …

I am a mommy to two beautiful girls. Both kids were planned, so they were both totally our decision. Well, I convinced my husband to go along with my decision. Hehe. Naturally, the first one was hard. Being a new parent has so many challenges full of laughs and tears. When I finally decided to have a second child, I already knew of the struggles that came with being a mom, and I figured it wasn’t going to be as hard as it was with the first one since I was a so-called experienced parent. Well apparently, with each new kid comes new challenges that add onto the old challenges. I love my daughters, and I love being their mommy. However, there are some things that I do miss before I became a parent.

#1. I love being a mommy, but I miss my alone time. There is not a single second in my day where I am alone. I have either one or both of my daughters with me 24/7. While I’m cooking, I have the baby pulling on my shorts. I have an audience when I’m on the toilet. The baby puts eyeliner in her mouth while I’m putting on my makeup. My oldest wants me to talk to her while she’s in the shower, while my baby wants to be in my lap. You get the idea. I’m never alone.

#2. I love being a mommy, but I miss uninterrupted sleep. I remember before kids, I could go to sleep whenever I wanted to, and wake up whenever I wanted to. Now, I have to wait until the baby is asleep so I can shower, relax, then go to bed. I get to sleep for a few hours until the baby wakes up crying because of God knows why. Then after waking up every 2-3 hours, I have to finally get up to do my oldest’s hair and make sure she leaves on time for school. I’m tired.

#3. I love being a mommy, but I miss eating food in peace. Both eating at home and eating out is not easy anymore. I never know what mood the baby will be in. Will she let me eat? Will she sit by herself and feed herself? Or Will she start crying and end up in my lap while I feed her as well as try to feed myself? To add onto that, I need to make sure my oldest even eats at all. Will we start arguing about how much more bites she should take? And will she start arguing with me about how she deserves to eat dessert afterwards? After eating, I’m either still hungry because I didn’t get to eat, or I’m full because I inhaled my food.

#4. I love being a mommy, but I miss going shopping without little ones bothering me. The oldest constantly bugs me about buying her something, and when I tell her no she starts whining or sometimes even crying over it. The baby doesn’t know what she wants. She cries in the carrier, cries in the wagon, then cries to get down when I try to hold her in one hand and push the wagon in the other. I start sweating, because I have so much going on, and wonder if everyone can see the sweat glistening on my forehead. My mind starts going back and forth about whether I should just put everything away and just go home, or just say F it and everyone can just deal with my kids being loud.

#5. I love being a mommy, but I miss being with my husband. I think this is the biggest thing that I miss. I could go on and on about what I miss, but these are the top things. I miss sleeping in the bed with my husband … alone. For the past 6 years, we’ve had a kid in our bed. My oldest sneaks into our bed in the middle of the night every day. She does it every night, so we always expect it. Then there’s my baby. She can sleep on her own, however, when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she needs me there to comfort and pat her back. She has her phases; sometimes she’ll sleep with me in our bed (yup, including our oldest, all four of us are sleeping in our bed), and other times she wants to camp out in the living room. Basically, I never get to sleep with my husband. We never go to bed at the same time, and I don’t remember the last time we cuddled. We don’t even cuddle while watching TV. One of the kids will come in between us. I see my husband every day. We talk every day. We kiss each other hi and bye everyday. But I still miss him.

Being a parent is such a wonderful thing, but I can’t help but miss the little things.