Human Pacifier No More: Day 1

**My daughter using me as a pacifier: Human Pacifier

Last night wasn’t that bad, but I think that was because I had mentally prepared myself for a sleepless night. The whole day I was a little nervous, because I love my sleep; without it I get grouchy, develop a pounding headache, and I walk around talking gibberish not able to really focus.

11:30pm: She finally went to sleep. She’s usually a late sleeper, which I don’t mind, because I’m a late sleeper as well. Put her into her bed, woke up my 6-year-old, who fell asleep on the couch, and walked her to her bed. Baby girl’s bed used to be right next to my side of the bed, but tonight, I moved it into my 6-year-old’s room. We only have two bedrooms. Joys of base housing.

2:30am: Baby girl woke up crying. Three hours, not bad. Walked into her room and saw her standing up crying. I rocked her for a few minutes and put her back down.

5:30am: Woke up crying. Three hours again, not bad. Walked in to see her standing up and crying again. I thought it was going to take only a few minutes again, but nope. This time, she wasn’t having it. She would cry just a few seconds after I would put her down. Took me 30 minutes to finally put her down without her fussing.

6:30am: She woke up crying. This time, I was sleeping for only 30 minutes. My husband was already awake getting ready for work, so I figured I just wake her up instead of rocking her back to sleep. Picked her up from her bed and went into the living room. She was surprisingly in a good mood considering she barely got any sleep. She was playing with her toys and smiling.

7:00am: Fed her some breakfast; a mixture of dry cereal and apples, bananas, and plums.

8:00am: Breastfeed her, and she is now sleeping. I debated if I should take a nap too, because I feel like I’m drugged, but my oldest is already awake and I don’t feel like leaving her when she just woke up. So instead, I drank some shakeology, and now I’m enjoying a cup of coffee. I’m praying that I’m not a total zombie today.

Photo on 8-18-15 at 8.32 AM

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