Motherhood in a Month: June 11th

7:00am: Alarm goes off but I was kind of already awake. Baby girl had a horrible night, which means so did I. Maybe because she’s teething?? I really don’t know why anymore. All I know is that exhausted. Couldn’t sleep though, today is my daughters last day of kindergarten. They have a half day today and I’m taking her to the beach after, so I’m using the time that she’s gone to make snacks. 

I realized I didn’t finish yesterday’s post. My day finished like any typical day. 

I fried up the spam for musubis around 8am. Now I’m just letting them cool off before I make them. Plus I’m breastfeeding baby girl in hopes that she’ll take her morning nap so I can pack up for the beach. I had her in the carrier as I finished up the spam and washed dishes but things are always better without a 17 pound person on you. 

Will upload beach pics later!