Motherhood in a Month: June 12th

Damn, I didn’t finish yesterday’s post again. It was a very eventful day, and when night came, I was tired. I’ll post some of yesterday’s pics in the end.

7:00am: Even though it is summer break and I don’t need to wake up to get my oldest ready for school, my baby woke up anyway. Sleeping in is always wishful thinking for me. My perfect morning consists of my husband watching both kids, and I’m sleeping in a totally different place where I can’t hear the kids; maybe in a hotel where I would use strictly for sleeping. If only.

I made my shakeology and coffee and was texting my mom and cousin and breastfeeding all at the same time. Multitasking at it’s best. We’re going home to Hawaii next month, so I’m planning days to see my family. My cousin is flying in the day before and I would love to see him since we’re both going to be home at the same time. Anyway, my baby fell asleep at the boob and I really needed to go to the bathroom, number 2. Put her down in her bed and rushed to the bathroom. About a few seconds into it, she wakes up crying. I tell my oldest to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn’t fall out. I would remove the basinet off of the playpen, but my arms are too short to put her down to sleep if it’s not there. But yet, she can stand on her own, so I’m always running as soon as I hear her wake up. So I had a super fast bathroom break, and as soon as I enter the room, she stops crying. I can never stay annoyed my babies. When I see that I have such an affect on them, my heart does a funny thing. I picked her up and just hugged and kissed her. I love my babies.

It’s 8:34am now and we’re just pretty much hanging out. My oldest has a dental appointment at 1pm, so we’re just being lazy bums until then. Baby is chewing on her toys, and the other one is drawing. Ah, I love summer break.

Went to my daughter’s dental appointment at 1pm. Everything is all good except one thing, which according to the doc, we can take care of after our vacation. We went to the exchange afterwards. I told her she could get something since she was so good during her appointment. She got fingerprint. I got two tank tops, which were on sale! Headed over to the commissary to get things for dinner. Then went to the shoppette because I want to try recreate Chili’s tropical sunrise margarita. Hopefully turns out good. 

Made dinner, folded laundry and now breastfeeding baby. She had a fever so we gave her medicine. She’s acting fussy but hope it goes away. 

Here’s some pictures from yesterday’s beach day.

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