Human Pacifier No More: Day 9

I only did two days last week, and I blame that on sleep deprivation. I totally underestimated this whole process. I know everyone says that no two babies are the same, but I always find myself comparing my two daughters. I figured that since it took my oldest one week to wean from breastfeeding, that it will take about a week to transition my youngest into her bed with no nighttime mommy pacifier. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Last week, there was one day where she slept for four hours straight before waking up, and it only took a minute to rock her back to sleep. I felt good when I woke up in the morning. We went to the beach that day, I remember joking with my friend that I was only going to get one good night. That joke turned into a reality. I been having horrible sleep since then.

I went out with friends last week Friday. My husband said he had no trouble putting her to bed, and she slept for SIX hours straight!! He even woke up with her and rocked her back to sleep. WHAT THE??…. Then I thought to myself, maybe it was only uphill from there. Wrong again.

This past Monday night has been the worst yet. She was waking up every one to two hours, and when she would wake up I could not rock her back to sleep. She was kicking and screaming so much that I would give up and go into the living room and turn on the TV. I would sit there watching Nick @ Nite while trying to rock or pat her back. After an hour, she would finally give in and go to sleep. When I woke up Tuesday morning, I already knew I was going to have a horrible day.

Today is Thursday, almost a whole two weeks of this transition, and there is no hope. I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel just yet. I’m so desperate for sleep that I’m debating on throwing in the towel. We shall see…..

Motherhood in a Month: June 19th

8:30am: woke up. Baby was fussy, but her eyes were still closed. She was still tired but I’m thinking she was uncomfortable. I got up, breastfed her, and put her back to sleep in my bed, where my oldest was still sleeping. Story of our lives. Our kids invading our bed. 

9:15am: After checking Facebook, Instagram, and playing Tsum Tsum, I decided to get out of bed. I figure why not enjoy my coffee in peace for once. It’s funny to think that I had a rough day just two days ago. Two days ago, I was thinking it wasn’t going to get better and my life was going to be like that forever. Funny how motherhood does that to you. I’m still set on having just two kids. I’m done going through this roller coaster of emotions. Babies are smart. They trick you into thinking that things are getting easier. Then, BAM! They kick you back into reality; where things are super hard and stressful, and you are pushed to your limits. 

So about 5 minutes after I posted above, I hear my oldest say, “Mommy! Aren’t you gonna get us?!” Two princesses were up and smiling. We all went to the living room. I waited until baby was ok until I went into the kitchen to make them breakfast. My oldest wanted waffles, and I got a jar of bananas and strawberries for the baby. 


12:30pm: dropped off the girls at my friends house because I had a lash appointment. Came back around 2pm and turns out she really likes her older son. She was fine only with him. Haha

Opened up our fold up mat so she could sleep, but she woke up after 5 minutes. I left it open so I could lie down while she plays. Never fails, always climbing all over me and trying to eat me hahaha

Now, I’m breastfeeding her. She started rubbing her eyes which is usually an indication that she’s tired. Hopefully she does go to sleep though so I can cook for a potluck bbq tonight.