Human Pacifier No More: Day 9

I only did two days last week, and I blame that on sleep deprivation. I totally underestimated this whole process. I know everyone says that no two babies are the same, but I always find myself comparing my two daughters. I figured that since it took my oldest one week to wean from breastfeeding, that it will take about a week to transition my youngest into her bed with no nighttime mommy pacifier. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Last week, there was one day where she slept for four hours straight before waking up, and it only took a minute to rock her back to sleep. I felt good when I woke up in the morning. We went to the beach that day, I remember joking with my friend that I was only going to get one good night. That joke turned into a reality. I been having horrible sleep since then.

I went out with friends last week Friday. My husband said he had no trouble putting her to bed, and she slept for SIX hours straight!! He even woke up with her and rocked her back to sleep. WHAT THE??…. Then I thought to myself, maybe it was only uphill from there. Wrong again.

This past Monday night has been the worst yet. She was waking up every one to two hours, and when she would wake up I could not rock her back to sleep. She was kicking and screaming so much that I would give up and go into the living room and turn on the TV. I would sit there watching Nick @ Nite while trying to rock or pat her back. After an hour, she would finally give in and go to sleep. When I woke up Tuesday morning, I already knew I was going to have a horrible day.

Today is Thursday, almost a whole two weeks of this transition, and there is no hope. I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel just yet. I’m so desperate for sleep that I’m debating on throwing in the towel. We shall see…..

Motherhood in a Month: Day 19

**About Motherhood in a Month: I’m going to post every day for a month about what I go through as a mommy. For other posts click on Category: Motherhood in a Month** 

Today is my mom’s birthday, and I was so happy that we are able to physically be here to spend it with her. The baby and I had a better night, so I didn’t wake up feeling like a zombie. Got up at 7am, made some coffee and drank it with some donuts and a chocolate chip muffin. Not the healthiest of breakfasts, but I wanted something fast before the baby got up. It’s the little things that I enjoy as a mother; having my coffee without having a baby in my lap, or being able to blog without a baby crying. Though, when I do have free time like this, I feel like I’m rushing, so I can get everything done before she wakes up. 

So my sister had a great idea to surprise my mom at work with balloons. I knew she was going to love it either way since her granddaughters are here to celebrate with her. I was excited to see her reaction. The surprise was a success thanks to her co-worker who signed us in, walked us up, and showed us where her cubicle was. All her co-workers literally gathered around us as they adored my two daughters. It’s moments like that, that make me feel blessed to have such beautiful daughters. 

The excitement was short-lived. As we got into the car, my baby started crying, because she knew she was about to go back into the car seat. I wonder when this phase will end, or if it will ever end. Oh, God, please let this phase end one day. Hopefully soon. She has this cry that sounds so horribly sad, it makes you feel like you want to cry along with her. 

When we got home and I took her out, I gave her the longest hug, and I felt better when I started breastfeeding her in the house. The feeling that I get when I breastfeed is indescribable. All I can say is that I definitely feel a bond, and when I start to breastfeed her after she’s been crying for me, I just get an overflow of love. Ah, I love being her mommy. 

My oldest did a journal earlier. Her teacher said although it was ok to miss a month of school, because she’s not struggling academically, we should still have her do journals to keep up with skill. Her journal today was the sweetest. 

We already had our lunch, and since I had some free time, I uploaded some pictures into my Amazon cloud drive. Baby woke up just as I was choosing the pictures to upload. Fed her and she fell back asleep hehe.

Motherhood in a Month: Day 18

**About Motherhood in a Month: I’m going to post every day for a month about what I go through as a mommy. For other posts click on Category: Motherhood in a Month**

Another boring day. Although we didn’t do anything exciting today, I’m still glad we were able to nap again. We had another rough night. I give up trying to figure out why her sleep schedule is like this. I just focused on not getting mad because I kept getting woken up every 30 minutes to an hour. Forced myself to wake up around 8am so I could make breakfast while the baby slept. She ended up waking up half way through. Changed her diaper and asked my oldest to watch her while I finished my potatoes. Came back to this cute moment:

After lunch, the baby and I took a long, 2 hour nap. It was wonderful. Today was super hot again and I woke up sweating but I still felt like I was well rested. 

She went down around 9pm and I’m already dreading the night.

Motherhood in a Month: Day 17

**About Motherhood in a Month: I’m going to post every day for a month about what I go through as a mommy. For other posts click on Category: Motherhood in a Month**

We didn’t do anything today. Everyone worked so we just hung out at home. I think it was just what we needed. The baby and I took 2 naps. I was so tired because we had another rough night. I bet right when it starts to get better, it will be time to fly back and her sleep will be messed up again. Ugh! 

My oldest literally watched Powerpuff Girls on netflix all day. She watches her favorite episodes over and over again. She drew pictures of all 3 of the Powerpuff girls. When my mom came home, she asked her to take a picture and post it. 

Tonight my baby is in a better mood. She was screaming yesterday around this time and I rushed my shower. Today, my mom was able to carry her around while I showered and I even was able to help my oldest shower. Now, she’s feeding. I’m kind of hoping she goes to sleep after so I can snack on some chocolate. 

Didn’t do much today but I still managed to take some pics

Motherhood in a Month: Day 16

**About Motherhood in a Month: I’m going to post every day for a month about what I go through as a mommy. For other posts click on Category: Motherhood in a Month**

 The day started off slow. I had a rough night again. I don’t even know what is up with my baby. When we first got here, she seemed as if she adjusted to the time difference fine. She was sleeping for 5 or 6 hours a night. Now, she wakes up every hour or two. I woke up and immediately made coffee. I put her in the walker that my mother-in-law got for me to use here and moved her in the kitchen so I could cook breakfast for myself and my oldest. We had breakfast, I enjoyed my coffee while I watched TV. I decided to do our laundry and my dad asked if we wanted to get out of the house. He had to run some errands, and I thought, why not!

My baby slept in the carrier most of the time. 

When we got home I was expecting her to wake up, but nope. I was able to eat lunch, fold our laundry, and take a little nap before she woke up. It was unusually hot today, so when we woke up from our naps, we were covered in sweat. My dad’s room is the only room that has a working AC so we went in there to cool off. 

Took the girls with me out to dinner with some old friends, whom I known since elementary. My oldest was fine, she kept herself entertained by shredding the napkins. Yah, I don’t know what that was about. My baby, on the other hand, was a cry baby. I tried to feed her several times before I finally stood up and rocked her to sleep. I barely ate because of her. 

When we got home she was still in that mood. She was screaming bloody murder when I was giving her a bath. It was so loud, my mom came in to check on us. Gosh, I really don’t know what is up with her lately. My mom even said “poor thing, you’re so tired”. Yes, mom, I am tired, and thanks so much for noticing how hard it is for me. Sometimes thats all I need; for someone to acknowledge how hard I work as a mother. Anyway, my mom thinks she’s teething. Whatever it is, we tried some doTerra lavender oil. We put some on her pajamas in the back, and some on the sides of her bed. Not sure if it worked, but I fed her and now she’s sleeping. Whew, the past two days have been hard and stressful. I hope the rest of our trip isn’t like this.

 Today’s pics, when she was in a good mood: