Human Pacifier

I been breastfeeding for almost 9 months, and everything is good. However, I turned into her human pacifier. It started when she was around 7 months old. I was really tired one night, so when she woke up I laid her next to me in my bed and latched her on and went to sleep. When I woke up, I would put her back into her bed and that’s how the vicious cycle began. I knew she wasn’t waking up to eat, because as soon as she latched on, she would fall back asleep. She just needed me for comfort.

I know some moms wouldn’t see a problem in this, but our 6 year old already has problems sleeping on her own. She’ll start off in her bed, but will sneak into our room in the middle of the night. When she doesn’t have school, I gave up on arguing and she’s allowed to sleep with us from the start. Although we have a king sized bed, my back hurts in the morning because I’m in the middle of two kids. Plus, my husband and I just want our bed back. We want that space to be just ours again. I was a human pacifier to my first daughter and she still has sleeping problems 6 years later, so I’m trying something new this time around.

My baby’s bed used to be right next to me, but I just moved it back into her room, which she shares with her sister. I figured since my oldest doesn’t even sleep in there, it shouldn’t be a problem if my baby cries because I’m not giving in. I have already prepared myself mentally for this. I even told my friend about it in case she tries to hang out with me and I look like crap because I’m exhausted.

I already put her down to sleep, so all I can do is pray for patience, and hope that this goes by quickly.